Share your Research

Share your research story with us in an understandable and interesting way to a non-expert public audience.

Unlike a research report, a research story focuses on telling the narrative of your process and the significance of your research to others.

Here are some questions to get you started!

  1. Introduce yourself and tell us what you do.  

  2. Tell us about your research partners and funding, if applicable.  

  3. What is your research about?  

  4. What is the most interesting part about your research? 

  5. What problem does your research address? 

  6. What potential solution does it provide? 

  7. What are the potential societal impact and benefits?  

  8. How far ahead are you in your research?


Provide expert comment

Are you keen to communicate with the public through the media?

We aim to provide journalists with a range of commentators who are good communicators and willing to speak about their particular areas of interest and expertise. 

If you haven’t done media work before, we can give you advice on how to prepare for interviews. 

If you are interested in appearing in media or other media work, please get in touch.