Sexual Violence and Harassment

Sexual violence and harassment are major problems for society in general and for Higher Education Institutions, including ATU. 

In April 2019, the ‘Framework for Consent in Higher Education Institutions: Safe, Respectful, Supportive and Positive – Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions’ was launched. The Framework aims to ensure the creation of an institutional campus culture which is safe, respectful and supportive.  

Working Groups for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Vioelnce and Harassment were established at our Galway-Mayo, Donegal and Sligo colleges in January 2021. These groups developed four-year Action Plans which set out institutional actions to address sexual misconduct and harassment and outline the commitments to implementing the Consent Framework.    

An ATU-wide Working Group for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Harassment has been established and is working to merge the three action plans into one and to continue the work of the three working groups.

As there remains a reluctance amongst those affected by sexual violence and harassment to report it, an anonymous online reporting tool SpeakOut has been developed nationally to encourage greater reporting.

The SpeakOut anonymous reporting includes signposting for victims to the support and help that is available to them, both within the University and from other support organisations; it will give ATU insight to what is happening within our university community to better inform the development of policies and initiatives to address sexual violence and harassment. It is hoped that by reporting anonymously and accessing the counselling and other support services available, those affected may get to a position where they are prepared to formally report incidents of sexual violence and harassment. 

Report sexual violence and harassment

Speak Out - use this link for reporting in ATU Galway-Mayo 

Speak Out - use this link for reporting in ATU Sligo  

Speak Out - use this link for reporting in ATU Donegal


ATU Galway-Mayo

ATU Sligo 

ATU Donegal 

National Supports 

HSE National Counselling Service 
National Rape Crisis Centre 
HSE Health Service 
HSE – Where to find a Sexual Assault Treatment Unit 
Women’s Aid  

Website support 

24 Hour Helplines 

Samaritans: 116 123 

Pieta House: 1800 247 247 


TEXT Crisis Textline Ireland

Free-text “ATU” to 50808 

A free, anonymous, 24/7 messaging service providing everything from a calming chat to immediate support.