A Virtue Approach to Research Integrity & Good Authorship Practices seminar

Fri, May 12, 2023 09:15 - 13:00

Participate in a virtual training seminar focused on promoting reflection on personal attitudes and behaviours in research, along with compliance with the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the Policy Statement of Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland. 

Research integrity defines principles and practices of good research, and includes the virtues of reliability, honesty, respect, and accountability. Research integrity is intrinsic to research activity and research excellence. It is at the core of research itself and is a basis for researchers to trust each other as well as the research record, and, equally importantly, it is the basis of society’s trust in research evidence and expertise. Research integrity also requires personal engagement and competence.

The training seminar will encourage:

  • Reflections on scientific virtues in researchers;
  • Reflection on how virtues can support researchers in deciding how to act in accordance to personal motives and values while considering possible difficulties and constraints;
  • Good authorship practices as well as considerations for journal selection
  • Promotion and understanding of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland.

The seminar will involve short presentations and engaging exercises. 

Reserve your free ticket. 

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