Fees & Funding

Funding your studies can be a daunting consideration when choosing your course, but there are many opportunities available at ATU to help you. We offer funded places through Springboard+ and Micro-credential short courses as well payment instalment plans and tax relief on fees.

Funding your studies can be a daunting consideration when choosing your course, but there are many opportunities available at ATU to help you. We offer funded places through Springboard+ and Micro-credential short courses as well payment instalment plans and tax relief on fees.

Self-Funding Students 

To help make payments more manageable for students who are self-funding, ATU has a variety of payment options that include payment per semester, in-full or by instalment. For specific fees for each online programme, please visit the programme webpage.

Employer Funded 

If your employer is partly or fully funding your course, you will need to organise payment through the ATU Admissions team with your employer.  

Springboard Funded Students 

If you are a Springboard+ funded student completing a Level 6 programme, it is fully funded by the HEA, and you are not required to make any payment towards your tuition fees. If you are completing a Level 7 – 9 programme it is 90% funded and you are required to pay the remaining 10% tuition fee.  

The HEA require you to confirm your registration status on the Springboard+ platform at specific times during the academic year to ensure your tuition fees are released to ATU. The Springboard+ Co-ordinator will send you an email when you are due to complete these registration steps. 

Explore Springboard+ & HCI courses here

Short Accredited Courses

ATU is delighted to receive part-funded places on 40+ of our Micro-credentials courses through the newly released HCI Pillar 3 Micro-Credentials Learner Fee Subsidy initiative in higher education.

Explore funded Micro-credential courses here

Skillnet Funding 

Skillnet Ireland partner closely with Industry to fund upskilling programmes which are responsive to business needs. ATU has partnered with a number of Skillnet bodies to provide funding on specific programmes. These programmes can be noted by the inclusion of the Skillnet logos and information on the programme pages. 

Tax Relief 

As ATU is listed by the Irish revenue as an ‘APPROVED INSTITUTION’ students are eligible to claim tax relief at the standard rate for tuition fees. In order to determine your own eligibility and if the course you have applied for qualifies for a tax refund, please read the information on the Revenue website:https://www.revenue.ie/en/personal-tax-credits-reliefs-and-exemptions 

Alumni Scholarship for Master Programmes

As part of our comprehensive benefits programme for members of the ATU Alumni Network, the ATU Alumni Office is pleased to offer a 20% reduction in academic fees for alumni who choose to pursue a masters programme at ATU. This benefit, exclusive to ATU Alumni Network members, underscores the university’s commitment to building a lifelong connection with our alumni and supporting them in their ongoing educational endeavours.  

The 20% reduction in fees is for members of the ATU Alumni Network. It can be applied to those who register on a level 9 Masters Award (90 credits) available across any ATU campus.   Learn more here

Guide to Fees, Funding & Financial Supports

Finances can be a daunting consideration when choosing your course but there are so many opportunities available to help you fund your learning journey. Read our Guide to Fees, Funding & Financial Supports to help you fund your Online, Flexible & Postgraduate studies.


Fees, Funding & Financial Supports Guide (PDF, 2.80MB)

If you have further questions, please contact the relevant campus below.