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General Business
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Course Details
Course Code | SG_BGENE_K08 |
Level | 8 |
Duration | 1 year |
Credits | 60 |
Method of Delivery | On-campus |
Campus Locations | Sligo |
Mode of Delivery | Full Time |

Course Overview
Today’s business environment is very dynamic and challenging. The Bachelor of Business (Hons) programme is designed to ensure that graduates have the capabilities, confidence and skills to enable them to competently hold positions in the people management, financial services and marketing fields when they graduate. Another unique feature of this programme is that the learner may customise their choice of modules on an individual basis.
Businesses today have a lot to consider. It is no longer enough to provide goods and services to the market. They must ensure they are providing top class customer service, work within an increasingly regulated environment and work within a socially responsible framework in times of growth and recession.
This Programme will enable the learner to meet these challenges. The modules the learner will study are designed to prepare him or her for the real world of work and to maximise their skill base to make them an attractive prospect to employers throughout all sectors of the business world.Please note that modules may change for your year of entry. The exact modules available and their order may vary depending on student demand and course updates.
Course Details
Year 1
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Business Finance 1The student will develop a knowledge and understanding of the financial management methods for analysing the benefits of various sources of finance, appraising sustainable capital investment opportunities, appreciate the importance of good working capital management and apply management accounting techniques for business planning and control. Learning Outcomes 1. Assess nature and purpose of accounting, describe the relationship between management accounting and financial accounting and evaluate the role of the finance function within a business. 2. Prepare projected financial statements for a business and interpret their significance for decision-making purposes. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Business Strategy 1The objective will be to provide an introductory, comprehensive, well-structured and cutting-edge treatment of business strategy, covering key questions about contemporary organisations operating in both the private and public sector. The aim will be to enable the learner to derive maximum value from the teaching and learning of organisational business strategy through the development of theoretical concepts and analytical frameworks. Learning Outcomes 1. Appreciate the significance of the key concepts associated with strategy and strategic intent within the modern organisation 2. Differentiate between the various frameworks required to gain an understanding of the external environment and non-market aspects of the environment 3. Demonstrate how analytical models are used to evaluate an organisation’s resources, capabilities and core competences 4. Critically analyse the importance of governance, social responsibility and good corporate citizenship in the modern business organisation 5. Read referred to online material with a strategic emphasis from academic journals and magazines |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Strategic Marketing ManagementThis module provides skills in analytical comprehension of marketing management theory and critical skills in evaluating, formulating and interpreting marketing policy. It develops the critical evaluation skills of students in the application of marketing strategies to real life situations. The importance of gathering marketing intelligence will allow the student to explore the process of marketing decision-making, and, the use of case studies, lecturers, presentations, role play and discussion will enable the student to apply marketing theory to a wide range of problems. Learning Outcomes 1. Discussthe role of marketing to the organisation, including corporate social responsibility (CSR) equality, diversity & inclusion (EDI) and sustainability 2. Illustrate how effective marketing strategies and plans can be developed in a dynamic marketplace 4. Evaluate the role of customer relationship, customer experience and segmentation in the marketing process 5. Apply marketing theories, models and practices in real life scenarios |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Performance and Reward ManagementThis course seeks to provide students with a thorough understanding of the debates associated with issues of work motivation, pay equity, performance management, the systems of performance pay; and the options and issues facing managers. It encourages students to form a critical understanding of contemporary debates by providing an overview of the alternative approaches by drawing on a wide range of case studies to demonstrate the theories. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically assess the contribution of motivation and psychologicaltheory to performance, engagement and reward management 2. Critically analysethe purposes and benefits of performance & reward management to improve organisational performance. 3. Demonstrate the ability to conduct performance planning and review interview. 4. Describe & critically evaluate the role of line managers inmanaging performance. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Macroeconomics 1 for Bachelor of Business L8This module will explore the management of the macroeconomy and how policy decisions can be made to achieve desirable economic goals. A review of introductory macroeconomic theory and the principles of economics will give the student an understanding of the context in which the policy issues arise. Students will develop an understanding of national and international macroeconomic issues and how they are managed and/or mismanaged. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the principles of economics and connect their relevance to macroeconomic policy. 2. Classify economies according to their type of economic systems and construct an argument as to what type of economic system is most socially and economically desirable. 3. Measure and analyse economic growth anddecline cycles and determine the causes of booms and recessions. 4. Evaluate the benefits of international trade and analyse the effect of protectionism on the international trading system. 5. Interpret fiscal policy and examine the effect that taxation and government expenditure have on the public finances. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
People Management Skills 1This module is designed to develop the student's people management skills in a variety of professional people management contexts. It will provide the student with a solid grounding in current theory and practice, specifically in the areas of emotional intelligence, self awareness and interviewing skills. In addition students will actively develop their self awareness and personal reflective skills, and their expertise and skills in interviewing practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the roleof people management skills in successful organisations. 2. Critically evaluatecurrent theory and practice in relation to the role of emotional intelligence and self awareness in effective people management 3. Formulate creative and effective strategies and solutions with regard to people management issues. |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Digital and Social Media for BusinessThe aim of the course is to provide students with a practical demonstration of how digital technologies and social media tools are changing business strategies and tactics across different industries. It will also combine digital, online and offline marketing campaigns which are changing the way both customers and businesses communicate with each other. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate and critically evaluate the importance of Digital and Social Media tools in business |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Customer Experience ManagementCustomer experience management is a key management objective. Because customers interact with firms through myriad touch points in multiple channels and media, and customer experiences are more social in nature the result is more complex journeys. Change is required to build inter-connected processes that integrate the organisation, the brand and the customer. Customers want simple solutions to their problems as well as optimised and personalised experiences. Greater customer engagement with organisations requires a shift in thinking and practices towards customer experience management and co-creation. This requires the building of new management processes and organisational capabilities in order to deliver exemplary experiences. This module builds on the marketing information students would have obtained in previous years to allow an holistic approach to creating positive customer experiences in all organisations. Learning Outcomes 1. Evaluate the core concepts of customer-centricity and customer experience management. 2. Apply mapping tools to customers journeys andidentifykey touch points as part of the Customer Experience Framework. 3. Ensure that all customer experience processes are inter-connected from the website to customer engagement with the organisation. 4. Evaluate the role of staff in Customer Experience Management. 5. Create a Customer Experience Management Strategy for an organisation incorporating best practice while conidering the future role of technology in CX and articulating how investment can benefit an orgnaisation’s profit and growth. |
05 | Elective |
1 |
French Language, Culture and Contemporary Media 4.1This module builds on the previous years of language studies and equips the student with linguistic skills to communicate in French at CEFR Level B2. The module develops the student's appreciation of and sensitivity to cultural, social and economic issues relevant to Francophone societies. It also develops the student's individual capacity to carry out independent research in French. Learning Outcomes 1. consolidate progress toCEFR Level B2 and those who have spent a semester/year abroad in the country where the target language is spoken may be working towards Level C1 2. communicate and interpretthe main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussion in his/her field of specialisation 3. manage communication witha degree of fluency and spontaneity (higher in those who have lived in a country in which Frenchis spoken) which makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party 4. produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issues giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options |
05 | Elective |
1 |
German Language, Culture and Contemporary Media 4.1This module builds on the previous years of language studies and equips the student with linguistic skills to communicate competently in German at CEFR Level A2 (basic user) while progressing to B1 level. The module develops the student's appreciation of and sensitivity to cultural, social and economic issues relevant to German-speaking societies. It also develops the student's individual capacity to carry out independent research in German. Learning Outcomes 1. consolidate progress at CEFR Level A2. Students who have spent a semester / year abroad in a German speaking environment will be encouraged to progresstowards CEFR Level B1. 2. communicate and interpret themain ideas of clear standard information covering anincreased range of subjects regularly encountered in education, employment, social situations and travel. 3. Express correct responses with increasing fluency and some spontaneity in a broad range of everyday situations likely to arise while travelling or living in a German speaking area. 4. Summarise material, and independently compose connected text on topics relevant to everyday personal and professional life, and to social and leisure activities, while beginning to include experiences,events, dreams, hopes and ambitions, and briefly giving reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. 5. independently use a range of contemporary media resources to explore and evaluate information on German cultures and societies, and to relay this information in the form of a class paper or oral presentation. |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Spanish Language, Culture and Contemporary Media 4.1This module builds on the previous years of language studies and equips the student with linguistic skills to communicate competently in Spanish at CEFR Level B1 (independent user). The module develops the student's appreciation of and sensitivity to cultural, social and economic issues relevant to Spanish-speaking societies. Learning Outcomes 1. Perform with increased confidence at CEFR Level B1. Students who have spent a semester / year abroad in a German speaking environment will be encouraged to initiate progression towards CEFR Level B2. 2. OVERALL READING COMPREHENSION Can read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and using appropriate reference sources selectively. Has a broad active reading vocabulary, but may experience some difficulty with low-frequency idioms. 3. OVERALL SPOKEN PRODUCTION Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. 4. OVERALL WRITTEN PRODUCTION Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. 5. AUDIO-VISUAL RECEPTION: Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in the standard form of the language. |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Digital Creative Design for BusinessThis module will enable learners to develop skills in the area of digital creative design for business. This will include using Industry Standard Applications and templates. The skills being developed will have crossover benefits for the delivery of electronic and print media. Learning Outcomes 1. Develop techniques to create sophisticated images in a flexible fashion, with more control over the quality and impact of the final image |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Big Data and StatisticsThis module will provide students with the skills to solve real business problems using generally accepted practices in the field of statistics and business analytics. Learning Outcomes 1. Explore data sets and select appropriate statistical methods for business analysis problems. 2. Perform calculations for measures of correlation and regression. |
05 | Elective |
1 |
Customer Experience InnovationThe application of innovative customer experience technologies is the emphasis of this module. It requires the student to work as part of a team in a PBL context. The aim is to develop a critical appreciation of modern technologies used in the management of the customer experience and the application of those technologies in a real life scenario. The student will focus on the use of innovative technologies for the purposes of improving the customer's overall experience. It is based on obtaining both a strategic and operational mind-set to deliver excellent customer experiences consistently. It is incorporating the theory into the practice. The module allows the student to be creative and innovative, to look behind the technologies that help to meet and exceed customer expectations, to challenge their own ideas and to justify all decisions they make. Learning Outcomes 1. Create a brand for the project team and idea 2. Work as part of a team 3. Incorporate the application of innovative technologiesinto theorganisations customersystems 4. Evaluate the appropriateness of various innovative technologies for the purposes of customer experience excellence 5. Appraisethe inter-connectedness of all customer experiences |
05 | Elective |
2 |
Financial Analysis and InterpretationThe student will develop their ability to analyse and interpret the financial statements of varying organisations with a particular focus on the annual reports of Public Limited Companies, gaining knowledge and understanding of how they are financed, the cost of finance, the differing capital structures, the financial objectives and the need to focus on ethics, environmental, social and good governance. Learning Outcomes 1. Describethe contents of the income statement, the statement of financial position and the cash flow statement for a limited company. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Business Strategy 2The primary aim will be to build upon the business strategy 1 module and further develop the learner's appreciation of strategic thinking and application. The objective will be to place the learner at the vanguard of strategic thought that shapes the behaviour of the modern organisation. This module will provide a detailed, comprehensive and in-depth treatment of business strategy, covering key questions about contemporary organisations operating in both the private and public sectors. Such an approach enables the learner to derive maximum value from the teaching and learning of business strategy through the provision of concepts and analytical frameworks. This pedagogical process will encourage the development of critical appraisal skills as the learner develops an integrated view of the organisation and the operating environment. It will explore how organisations add value to their assets through the effective implementation of plans and investigate the shifting economic fortunes of global organisations after an extremely challenging period, the rapid adoption of subjects like environmental sustainability, data analytics, technology, emerging media platforms and the increasing power of particular economies in the developed world. Learning Outcomes 1. Provide comprehensive coverage of the directional growth strategies including organic development, mergers and acquisitions and strategic alliances 2. Explore evaluative, control and implementation approaches in the main areas of strategic management and the decision-making process and how they assist organisations add value to their assets through the development of effective strategy 3. Appreciate the significance of core areas like corporate governance, ethical behaviour, social responsibility and green sustainability 4. Investigate both rational and creative approaches to maintaining an entrepreneurial and innovative culture through the development of effective programmes 5. Understand referred to online material with a strategic emphasis from academic journals and magazines |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Macroeconomics 2Building on the material from Macroeconomics 1 for Bachelor of Business L8, the student will explore the macroeconomic challenges that economies face and learn how best these challenges can be overcome. The student will use the theoretical framework to apply economic theory to modern economies with which they are familiar. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the causes, consequences and potential solutions to inflation. 3. Analyse monetary policy and demonstrate an understanding on how interest rates are determined. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Marketing PlanningThis module will provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of marketing planning theory to develop skills in critically evaluating, formulating and interpreting marketing policy. It focuses on the major issues associated with the effective implementation of marketing strategies and develops the critical evaluation skills of students in the application of marketing strategies to real life scenarios. There is a focus on tactical/marketing mix strategies in shaping the marketing offering. Learning Outcomes 1. Critically evaluate the competitive environment |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Strategic Human Resource ManagementThis subject aims to introduce students to the key ideas of Human Resource Management as a strategic component of business activity and to develop their capacities to think and act strategically. A general management focus rather than a functional HRM focus is adopted. Learning Outcomes 1. Discuss the nature of strategy and the role of HRM in the strategic management process. 3. Assesstheoretical frameworks and principles that can help firms to manage individuals more effectively, including building a workforce & employee voice. 4. Examine HR Strategy in service, manufacturing, multidivisional & multinational settings 5. Evaluate business scenarios and propose relevant HR responses to deal with the issues involved |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Business AnalyticsThe module provides an introduction to big data analytics for all business professionals. The module will equip the student with the necessary skills, tools, methods and knowledge to critically analyse data in the specific areas of marketing, human resources, finance, and operations. Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the role of business analytics in business |
05 | Elective |
2 |
People Management Skills 2This module is designed to develop the student's people management skills in a variety of professional people management contexts. It will provide the student with a solid grounding in the current theory and practice of negotiation and coaching in addition to development of practical skills and expertise in negotiation and coaching practice. Learning Outcomes 1. Analyse the roleof negotiation skills in effective people managementin successful organisations. 2. Critically evaluate the current theory and practice of coaching ineffective people management. 3. Formulate creative and effective strategies and solutions with regard to people management issues. |
05 | Elective |
2 |
Employee Learning and Talent DevelopmentThis subject aims to provide students with a firm grounding in the current theory and practice of employee learning and talent development. In addition, students will develop practical skills in coaching, learning design, delivery and evaluation, and talent development. Learning Outcomes 1. Evaluate a range of theories & concepts related to individual & organisational learning. 2. Create a talent development plan. 3. Create and deliver a learning event for a business-related topic 4. Conduct, observe and provide feedback for a one to one business coaching session. 5. Describe and critically evaluate the role of evaluation within learning and talent development. |
05 | Elective |
2 |
French Language, Culture and Contemporary Media 4.2This module, like that of the previous Semester, consolidates skills at CEFR Level B2. The level of linguistic and cultural knowledge acquired will enable confident interaction with native speakers of the language in everyday and basic professional situations. In addition, the student should feel enabled to further his/her language skills after graduation from this programme whether through travel, work or further studies. Learning Outcomes 1. perform confidently at CEFR Level B2 and those who have spent a semester/year abroad in a Francophone countrymay be working towards Level C1 2. Summarise and interpret the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussion in his/her field of specialisation 3. communicate with a degree of fluency and spontaneity (higher in those who have lived in a Francophone country) which makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party 4. produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issues giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options |
05 | Elective |
2 |
German Language, Culture and Contemporary Media 4.2This module consolidates skills at CEFR Level A2 and continues progress towards CEFR Level B1. The level of linguistic and cultural knowledge acquired will enable more confident interaction with native speakers of the language in everyday and in basic professional situations. In addition, the student should feel enabled to further her/his language skills after graduation from this programme whether through travel, work or further studies. Learning Outcomes 1. perform confidently at CEFR Level A2(basic user) and continue progress towards CEFR Level B1. Students who have spent a semester / year in a German-speaking environment will be encouraged towards CEFR Level B2. 2. summarise and interpret the main ideas in more complex texts on topics pertainingboth to everyday life and to professional activity,including limited technical discussion on topics relevant to the spheres of Business and Marketing. 3. communicate with a degree of fluency and spontaneity (higher in those who spent time in a German-speaking environment) which makes regular conversation with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party, and where the learner feels confident to ask for clarification or assistance. 4. produce clear, more detailed text on a relatively wide range of subjects of interest to the learner and explain viewpoints ontopical issues giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options; begin to read independently to expand linguisticknowledge on topics of personal and professional interest. 5. examine and present current topics of social and cultural interest using a range of contemporary media; compare and contrast with her/ his own society, and relay this information in the form of a class paper or oral presentation. |
05 | Elective |
2 |
Spanish Language, Culture and Contemporary Media 4.2This module as in the previous Semester consolidates skills at CEFR B1 and in addition initiates progression towards CEFR Level B2. The level of linguistic and cultural knowledge acquired will enable confident interaction with native speakers of the language in everyday and in basic professional situations. In addition, the student should feel enabled to further her/his language skills after graduation from this programme whether through travel, work or further studies. Learning Outcomes 1. Perform confidently at CEFR Level B1 (independent user) and begin to progress towards CEFR Level B2. Students who have spent a semester / year in a Spanish-speaking environment will be encouraged to continue progression towards CEFR Level B2. 2. OVERALL READING COMPREHENSION Can read with a large degree of independence, adapting style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes, and using appropriate reference sources selectively. Has a broad active reading vocabulary, but may experience some difficulty with low-frequency idioms. 3. OVERALL SPOKEN PRODUCTION Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. 4. OVERALL WRITTEN PRODUCTION Can write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to his field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources. 5. AUDIO-VISUAL RECEPTION: Can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. Can understand documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays and the majority of films in the standard form of the language. |
05 | Elective |
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Graduates of this course have become key managers in the business, manufacturing and retail sectors and in public service. A number have established highly successful businesses while others have joined graduate training courses in multinational companies. Employers today want graduates who can hit the ground running; graduates from this course will be capable of making a positive contribution to all business activities.
Further Information
Contact Information
Admissions Office
T:353 (0) 71 931 8510