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ATU’s Higher Diploma in Science in Medical Science receives CORU accreditation
ATU’s Higher Diploma in Science in Medical Science programme has been accredited by Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator CORU.

Medical Scientists work in the health care system and provide a crucial service that contributes to the diagnosis and prognosis of disease as well as guiding treatment. In order to practice in Irish hospitals Medical Scientists are required to be registered with CORU whose main role is to protect the public by promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training and competence. Graduates of ATU’s course are now eligible to register with CORU.
The Higher Diploma in Science in Medical Science was developed by ATU’s Medical Science programme board within the Department of Analytical, Biopharmaceutical and Medical Sciences, School of Science and Computing, in partnership with key stakeholders to address the staff shortage within the healthcare sector. The two-year part-time programme provides an alternative route for qualification as a medical scientist and is aimed specifically at medical laboratory aides who must have a Level 8 degree in a science-related discipline.
The CORU approval coincides with the launch of the HSE Medical Scientist training sponsorship programme with funding allocated to ATU Galway over the next five years.
Dr Lisa Ryan, Head of School of Science and Computing, says ‘We are delighted to receive this accreditation which highlights the standard of the programme our Medical Science team have developed, and I’d also like to highly commend the staff who designed the programme and their commitment to the CORU accreditation process.”
Dr Eugene McCarthy, Head of Department of Analytical, Biopharmaceutical and Medical Science, ATU, says: “Receiving CORU approval reflects the high level of standards delivered by our medical science lecturing staff in educating highly skilled practitioners in Ireland. This new programme is an example of how Atlantic Technological University works with our partners to address high demand skills both regionally and nationally.”
Dr Mary McGrath and Dr Brigid Hooban, course co-ordinators of the programme, said: “This programme was designed to ensure students will gain the relevant knowledge and practical skills needed to practice as medical scientists, whilst supporting students working full time as medical laboratory aides. The Medical Science team in ATU are delighted to be able to offer a part-time CORU approved programme in addition to our CORU approved BSc Medical Science programme as a means of continuing to support the development of the profession.”
About CORU
CORU’s main role is to protect the public by promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training and competence through statutory registration of health and social care professionals.
CORU was set up under the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 (as amended). It is made up of the Health and Social Care Professionals Council and the Registration Boards, one for each profession named in our Act.