Course Overview
This Master of Arts in Specific Learning Difficulties offers a level 9 qualification for all professionals interested in Specific Learning Difficulties. Entry onto this Masters programme is based on successful completion of three modules (45 ECTs) from the suite of SEN Online Blended Learning modules offered as part of the Specific Learning Difficulties pathway.
Research methods are critical to successful study at MA level and will incorporate problem-solving activities, action research in professional contexts and the opportunity to link theory and practice in general and in terms of the execution of coursework. Participants accepted onto the Masters stage of the programme will have achieved an increased level of competence and confidence within the Specific Learning Difficulties pathway. They will also be looking forward to choosing the area of study for their MA dissertation and beginning to reflect on possible research methodologies for their dissertation. The Advanced Research Module (15 ECTs) will provide students with the opportunity to make and implement informed choices regarding professionally relevant areas of research for their dissertation and to do this with the guidance and support of tutors and peers. Lectures will take place at online with some face-to-face sessions during September and October. Students use the remainder of the year to carry out research and draft material for their MA Dissertation.
The final dissertation will be a maximum of 20,000 words and the topic chosen by the participant must be related to the Specific Learning Difficulties pathway.
Programme Outline
This MA follows successful completion (an honours standard) of three modules (45 ECTs) from the suite of SEN Online Blended Learning modules offered as part of the Specific Learning Difficulties pathway. One of these modules must include the Educational Research Methods module.
Recommended Study Hours per week
Modules may employ a combination of online, face-to-face or blended delivery. Each 15 credit module holds a total participant effort of 300hours. This usually encompasses contact hours, directed study, and independent study.
Examination and Assessment
Advanced research methods is assessed with a written dissertation proposal (maximum of 5,000 words). The Dissertation module requires the completion of a research dissertation (maximum of 20,000 words).
On-Campus Attendance Requirement
The Advanced Research module is delivered exclusively online in semester 1, with the exception of one half-day on-campus workshop. This is held in late January, usually on a Saturday
Entry Requirements
Level 8 Undergraduate Degree (H2.2) or equivalent. For students without the relevant academic qualification but with relevant previous experience, recognition for prior learning can be awarded.
This MA is suitable for candidates who wish to progress further in their professional sector and are already in employment. It aims to enhance professional knowledge and it is designed to provide a student-centred, accessible, flexible, coherent framework for the personal, professional and academic development of participants. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their own work practices and to link their study to their working environment.
The modules attract a wide range of participants from a variety of settings, including:
Classroom teachers
Graduates who wish to do a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and area awaiting a place on the programme
Qualified teachers who are seeking full-time employment
Employees within the Health Service Executive who work with learners with Special Educational Needs
Principals, managers and Department Inspectorate
Employees and Managers within Early Childhood Education sector
Classroom assistants (including cuntóirí teanga)
Educational Psychologists
Learning Support Tutors
Speech and Language Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Parents and Family Members involved in the care of learners with special educational needs
Any others involved in the training or educational needs of learners with special educational needs
Further Information
Who Should Apply?
This programme is suitable for candidates who wish to progress further in their professional sector and are already in employment.
Contact Information
Faculty of Design, Education & Humanities