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Fire Safety Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Course Details
CAO Code | AU340 |
Level | 8 |
Duration | 4 Years |
CAO Points | 310 (2024) |
Method of Delivery | On-campus |
Campus Locations | Donegal – Letterkenny |
Mode of Delivery | Full Time |
Work placement | Yes |
Course Overview
Our Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Fire Safety Engineering is a broad discipline covering a wide range of areas including fire prevention, detection, escape, suppression and control. It’s where fire safety is built into design and construction at the planning stage, and where saving lives starts.
The aim of this four year programme is to equip you with the engineering knowledge at a scientific and practical level to undertake both prescriptive and performance based fire design safety.
You will take core modules in mathematics, fire science, fluids, thermodynamics, building services, construction technology and structural design, along with general construction elements such as CAD, construction economics, land surveying and technical writing. You will then advance to fire safety subjects that take account of human behavior, fire and reliability modelling, fire structural design and fire engineering techniques.
There are theoretical and practical modules coupled with a work experience placement, projects and a dissertation that will position you upon graduation as a fire safety engineer with a unique set of skills that are in high demand nationally and internationally in both the private and public sector.
Course Details
Year 1
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Fire Technology 1This module introduces learners to the area of fire safety with particular emphasis on major disasters and how these have shaped fire safety legislation. This module will develop the learner's capacity to identify fire issues within the construction/property sector and develop the learner with practical knowledge of the tools and techniques of research. Students will be introduced to fire legislation and its statutory requirements as detailed in the Building Regulations. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe circumstances around major fire disasters that have driven fire safety legislation. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Elementary CADAn introductory module on the use of computer aided draughting and modelling software for construction projects. Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate knowledge and application of industry standard 2D drawing and 3D modelling software. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Construction Technology 1This module will mainly focus on the construction technology for domestic structural elements and simple framed construction with consideration to sustainable construction detailing . The significance of construction technology as an interdisciplinary medium in the context of the construction industry will be outlined . Learners will be encouraged to analyse and distinguish between the various structural elements including substructure, external and internal walls, upper floors, stairs, roof structure and the building frame. Learners will record building details by hand sketching and manual drafting. Learning Outcomes 1. Classify soil types and explain bearing capacities , live loading , dead loading and identify the function and illustrate various structural building element details for substructure . |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Mathematics 1This is an introductory Mathematics module addressing key skills such as calculations and algebraic manipulation. The syllabus takes cognisance of the Project Maths approach at secondary school where applied problems in trigonometry, areas and volumes, and descriptive statistics will be examined. Development of appropriate mensuration. Learning Outcomes 1. Perform calculations effectively using both approximations and scientific notation. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Physics 1This module will give the student an under standing of the fundamental principles of physics. The module will enable the student to solve practical problems based on the concepts studied. It will also help familiarise the student with practical measurement and experimentation techniques used in the physics laboratory. Learning Outcomes 1. Recognise the need for a system of units and the importance of accuracy in calculations and measurements. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Technical Writing & CommunicationThis module will develop the learner’s knowledge and appreciation of communication skills in relation to effective writing, presentations, time management , computer applications and the general communication processes. The module will, where practicable, link with core modules in the application and consolidation of technical writing and other forms of general communication . Learning Outcomes 1. Apply effective writing skill s in the drafting and writing of reports and other documents . |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Fire Technology 2This module focuses on fire safe detailing of building components. In addition, it will seek to expand the learners knowledge of the fire safety regulations as described in Technical Guidance Document B and other relevant codes of practice. Learners will also further develop good drawing practice and CAD skills within the module. Learning Outcomes 1. Illustrate the relevance of the Technical Guidance Document B in relation to residential dwellings. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Building Services 1This introductory module introduces students to the science and technology of Mechanical Building Services design. Through a range of practical problem analysis, numerical solutions are developed to assist in the design of energy efficient mechanical services suitable for a domestic house. Learning Outcomes 1. Calculate the heat loss from a domestic house |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Construction Technology 2Following on from Construction Technology 1 this module will mainly focus on the technology of building components (windows, doors and screens) and floor, wall, ceiling and roof finishes. Learners will further develop good drawing practice and freehand sketching and be encouraged to analyse and distinguish between the fitout element of the construction. Learning Outcomes 1. Review new technologies that are being incorporated within structural elements. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mathematics 2This module builds further on Mathematics 1 and introduces important mathematical topics such as curve fitting, complex numbers, vectors and differential and integral calculus. Learning Outcomes 1. Graph sinusoidal waveforms |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Physics 2This module will give the student an understanding of the fundamental principles of dynamic systems, the properties of matter and wave motion. It will also enable the student to solve practical problems based on the concepts studied. The module will also help familiarise the student with practical measurement and experimentation techniques used in the physics laboratory. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe the underlying physical principles applicable to mobile bodies. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Land Surveying & GISThis module introduces students to the basic principles of land surveying. Skills required to undertake linear and levelling measurements to produce scale drawings as well as area and volume calculation techniques are developed. The module includes an introduction to total station surveying along with an introduction to Geospatial Information Systems (GIS). Learning Outcomes 1. Apply units of measurement and scale, measure and produce scale survey drawings of buildings and ground features |
05 | Mandatory |
Year 2
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Fire Technology 3This module will introduce learners to the key principles of Universal Design to ensure all aspects of the built environment are accessible and increases awareness of the implications of Building Regulations and associated technical guidance in relation to the universal access and use of building. The module also equips the learner with the skills to incorporate the requirements of Universal Design into fire safety design schemes. Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the concepts and e xplore the key design criteria of Universal Accessibility and Universal Design. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Advanced Construction TechnologyThis module builds on Year 1 Construction Technology to cover non-domestic buildings and site development. Topics include pre-construction surveys and site preparation such as retaining structures and groundwater control. Commercial building structural forms are introduced, including building fabric, demolition methods, and modern construction techniques. Environmental, sustainability and health and safety challenges are cited throughout. Learning Outcomes 1. Detail and differentiate industrial building design and construction detailing |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Structural Design & MaterialsThis module will introduce the learner to the use of materials in construction and their properties. The learner will complete some laboratory testing of materials and report writing. The learner will also be introduced to basic structural analysis, design of building elements. Learning Outcomes 1. Recognise properties of main materials used for structures in construction. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Mathematics 3This module builds on the learner's knowledge of trigonometry, trigonometric waveforms and differentiation and allows for a greater focus on more realistic problems. In addition, differential equations and the fundamentals of infinite series are introduced. Learning Outcomes 1. Determine inverse functions and sketch algebraic and transcendental functions, including exponential and logarithmic functions. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Fluid & Thermodynamics 1This module will give the learner an understanding of the fundamental principles of fluids and thermodynamics . It will also enable the learner to solve practical problems based on the concepts studied . The module will also familarise the learner with practical measurement and experimentation techniques used in a laboratory environment. Learning Outcomes 1. Define the terminology associated with fluids and thermodynamics. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Measurement & Construction EconomicsThis module will mainly focus the learner's attention on the concept of achieving value for money in building, with a focus on cost options and solutions. Learners will develop skills in the measurement of selected building elements and will be introduced to the principles and mechanics of cost planning and preparing tenders. The module is delivered through lectures and practical/studio sessions for practical application and development of skills. Learning Outcomes 1. Measure building elements from design drawings including fireproofing materials and components (via MS Excel) . |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Fire ScienceThis module will introduce the learner to the essential theoretical and experimental concepts of fire science. The module will set out develop the learner's understanding of fire and its development. This will assist the learner in applying the practical application of fire safety to building construction. Learning Outcomes 1. Apply concepts and knowledge to the solution of technical issues related to fire. |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Fluids & Thermodynamics 2This module will build upon and extend the concepts introduced in Fluids and Thermodynamics 1. It will also enable the learner to solve practical problems based on the concepts studied. The module will also introduce the student to computational fluid dynamic modelling. Learning Outcomes 1. Calculate fluid flow in pipes relating to series and parallel networks. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Building Services 2This module will further develops the learners knowledge of mechanical and introduces the science and technology of electrical services engineering. It places a particular emphasis on the role of energy efficient, and renewable engineering services in the built environment. Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the difference between airborne and impact sound and determine the reverberation time for a room. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mathematics 4This module builds on the learner's knowledge of vectors and integration providing a rigorous foundation for integrating a broad range of functions. In addition, linear systems and their solution and the fundamentals of probability and random variables are introduced. Learning Outcomes 1. Perform all the basic matrix operations ; |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Site OrganisationThis module will discuss and compare the role of various construction professionals within a construction project, and explain the construction process from drawing office to site . It will examine specific aspects of the construction industry such as contracts, scheduling, site safety, and mechanical plant. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe and compare the roles of the various members of the construction team. |
05 | Mandatory |
Year 3
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Fire DynamicsThis module will provide the learner with the essential theoretical scientific concepts of fire dynamics. The objective will be to further develop the learners understanding of fire, its development spread and impact. The learner will be provided with detailed tools to assist in the practical applications of fire safety to building construction. Additionally, the learner will be provided with the essential theoretical scientific concepts of fire science via the application of practical experiments. Learning Outcomes 1. Apply concepts and knowledge to the solution of technical issues related to fire. |
10 | Mandatory |
1 |
Fire Safety DesignThe aim of the module is to provide learners with a thorough knowledge of prescriptive fire safety guidance applicable in the Republic of Ireland vis-à-vis achievement of compliance with the Part B functional requirements of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations 1997-2024 as amended, i.e. prescriptive design codes and guidance documents on foot of which the requirements of B1-B5 of technical Guidance Document B are satisfied. Learning Outcomes 1. Interpret the requirements of the legislation relevant to the statutory approvals process with respect to fire safety. |
10 | Mandatory |
1 |
Fire Service OperationsThis module shall serve as an introduction to Operational Fire Fighting recognized within the requirements of National Processes and Standards. The learner shall be introduced to the operational procedures for all types of fire incidents and Major Emergency Planning. Learners shall be provided with an introduction to the equipment available and the use of it in dealing with specific incidents. Learning Outcomes 1. Examine the Fire service Infrastructure and Legislative support. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Mathematics 5This module builds on previous knowledge of complex numbers and trigonometric functions and provides a similar rigorous basis for the hyperbolic functions. Infinite series in the form of power series feature strongly and this knowledge is transferred to the solution of 2nd order differential equations using the Method of Frobenius. In addition, the integration techniques acquired in the previous module are used in solving first order differential equations and there is significant further development of the theory underpinning linear systems and their applications. Learning Outcomes 1. Graph periodic and hyperbolic functions, prove hyperbolic identities, apply calculus method to hyperbolic functions, prove and derive important identities for trigonometric and hyperbolic functions using complex variable properties. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Fire Design ProjectThis module enables learners to apply the practical knowledge, skills and competencies gained through formal study to a design project, where students develop a fire safety strategy for a medium to large sized complex building from architectural planning drawings. Learning Outcomes 1. Establish design objectives and design and specify fire safety systems to achieve those objectives in accordance with recognised standards. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Fire Protection SystemsThe module aims to develop the learners knowledge and understanding of the key parameters associated with the selection and design of various active fire safety systems employed in modern medium to large scale building project. Learning Outcomes 1. Quantitatively assess the need for active fire safety systems in buildings based on the requirements of the Building Regulations and associated codes of practice for a particular building project. |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Mathematics 6This module provides a good foundation for Laplace transforms, Fourier series and the application of these methods. There is further development of the learners' knowledge of vector quantities, and this is used to support the further development of calculus skills including optimising functions of several variables. In addition, a good foundation for sampling theory is provided addressing confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Learning Outcomes 1. Derive Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms and solve differential equations using the Laplace transform method. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Work Placement with ProjectThe module provides an opportunity for the student to develop their awareness of work related issues and professional standards in the business environment where he/she can apply the knowledge, skills and competencies gained through formal study. Prior to work placement learners will take part in project relevant to their discipline. Learning Outcomes 1. Work collaboratively as part of project work and complete project assignments. |
10 | Mandatory |
Year 4
Semester | Module Details | Credits | Mandatory / Elective |
1 |
Applications of Fire Safety Engineering PrinciplesThis modules aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to apply a fire safety engineering approach to the design of buildings based on the application of scientific and engineering principles to the protection from fire of life and property. Learning Outcomes 1. Describe a rational methodology for the design of buildings based on the application of performance based fire safety engineering design methods. |
10 | Mandatory |
1 |
Fire Modelling and Reliability EngineeringSection A: provides a good grounding in key methods for the quantification and analysis of risk in relation to fire and other emergency situations. In addition, students are introduced to the mathematical modelling of partial differential equations, which have significant application in Fire Engineering and underpin commercial CFD models. Section B: will provide the learner with the essential theoretical and scientific concepts of fire modelling. It will develop the learner's ability to model deterministic fire models and provide the learner with the detailed tools necessary for practical applications of computer fire and smoke modelling in building construction. Learning Outcomes 1. Apply probability methods to gain a greater understanding of complex systems. |
10 | Mandatory |
1 |
Construction Law & Professional EthicsThis module will provide a fundamental understanding of the sources of law and the legal framework in Ireland and , in particular, the effect and influence they have on the construction industry . Learners will also investigate the ethical and societal issues pertaining to the construction profession. Learning Outcomes 1. Examine the principal purpose and scope of Irish law and how it interconnects with the construction industry. |
05 | Mandatory |
1 |
Dissertation ProposalThe aim of this module is to develop the learner's capacity to identify the issues related to research within the construction/property sector, to extend the learner's research capability and provide the learner with practical knowledge of the tools and techniques of research. Learning Outcomes 1. Select a relevant research topic. (Selecting a subject matter within the construction industry and identify an area of interest, evaluating the various research alternatives to identify a definable research topic, and finally refining the research topic to develop the research aim). |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Structural Fire EngineeringThis modules aims to provide learners with an understanding of the properties of common structural materials at elevated temperatures and the underlying principles and theory of structural fire resistance based on the empirical or theoretical relationships used in predicting structural behaviour under fire conditions. Learning Outcomes 1. Assess the behaviour, and mechanical and thermal properties of structural materials (steel, concrete, timber, masonry) at elevated temperatures including the effect of temperature on the of such materials and other influencing factors |
10 | Mandatory |
2 |
Human Behaviour in FireThis module introduces the student to the fundamentals of human behaviour in fire and the assumptions and principles that underpin such behaviours with particular emphasis on socio-psychological factors that affect decision making in fire emergencies, recognition and response to fire cues. A particular emphasis will be placed on practical use of evacuation modelling and analysis of egress from first principles. Learning Outcomes 1. Examine qualitatively the factors which influence human behaviour in fire |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
Fire Safety ManagementThis module is to engage the student s in an overall assessment of the enhancement o f Fire Safety Management as a vital tool in the overall fire safety strategy of a building project. This assessment introduces them to legislative obligations and maintenance programmes as pa r t of this strategy . Learning Outcomes 1. Appraise the requirements of current legislation with regard to Fire Safety Management duties and responsibilities. |
05 | Mandatory |
2 |
DissertationThe aim of this module is to facilitate the learner to produce an academically acceptable independent piece of research. Learners will develop the capacity to clarify and critically analyse well defined research topic areas and will present and defend their research through their dissertation report and presentation. Learning Outcomes 1. Construct an appropriate research methodology to validly investigate a research topic. |
10 | Mandatory |
Follow up programmes include:
Masters degree at other institutes or universities
Masters degree by research
Download a prospectus
Entry Requirements
Leaving Certificate Entry Requirement | 6 subjects at O6/H7 |
QQI/FET Major Award Required | Any |
Additional QQI/FET/ Requirements | 3 Distinctions and a pass in C20139 or 5N1833 or |
Total Fees EU: €3000
This annual student contribution charge is subject to change by Government. Additional tuition fees may apply. Click on the link below for more information on fees, grants and scholarships.
Total Fees Non-EU: €12000
Subject to approval by ATU Governing Body (February 2025)
Further information on feesProfessional Accreditation
The programme has been fully accredited by Engineers Ireland as meeting the educational requirement to enable graduates to become ‘Chartered Engineer’ with further study. It is also recognised by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE), an Academic Partner.

Career Pathways
The main employers are:
Architectural Practice
Fire Safety Engineering Consultancy
Local Authorities – Fire Service, etc.
Public Sector
Graduate Careers
Graduate careers typically include:
Fire Safety Engineer
Further Information
Contact Information
Department of Civil Engineering and Construction
Anne Boner
Head of Department
T:+353 (0)74 9186403
Civil Engineering and Construction