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Urgent weather advisory: storm Isha impact on travel and campus operations
Weather Advice

Dear students and staff,
Due to the red weather warning in effect for our region, we strongly urge all students and staff to exercise caution and use their discretion when considering travel to the university. In light of the hazardous conditions expected this evening, we strongly advise against unnecessary travel. Your safety is our top priority, and we want to ensure that everyone takes necessary precautions to avoid any potential risks associated with the severe weather.
Campuses, with the exception of St Angela’s, will open as scheduled. However, please be aware that St Angela’s Campus will experience a delayed opening and will not be accessible until 11 am tomorrow, Monday, 22 January. This decision has been made to allow for the assessment and mitigation of any potential weather-related risks.
We will continue to monitor weather and road conditions throughout the region and will update you with any changes.
Please check ATU social media, website and for further updates.