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3 female students and 1 male student walking outside Wellpark campus

Privacy Notice for Students

3 female students and 1 male student walking outside Wellpark campus

As a student at Atlantic Technological University (ATU) (“the University”), your personal data is processed for various reasons. ATU is the Data Controller of your personal data and is subject to the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).  As part of the transparency principle of the GDPR, you have the right to be fully informed about how ATU uses your personal data.  This Privacy Notice outlines the types of personal data we will process, the purposes for which that personal data is required, third parties with whom we will share your data, how long your data will be retained by us, your rights and how to contact us.  

This notice should be read in conjunction with the University’s Data Protection Policy.

The Information We Process About You

The types of personal data we process about you include, inter alia: 

You are required to provide Next of Kin/Emergency Contact Details for use only in emergency situations.  It is your responsibility to inform such contacts that you will be sharing their personal data with the University. 

How We Obtain Your Personal Data

We process your personal data at various points in your relationship with ATU. This information is provided by you, either directly or indirectly.  It may also be provided by third parties like the CAO, SOLAS, PAC, Springboard, SUSI, Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, INIS, etc. 

Legal Bases for Processing Your Personal Information

We process your personal data because it is necessary in order to: 

Where sensitive personal data is concerned, we process it where: 

Should we require your consent for any specific use of your personal data, we will collect it in advance of any processing, and you can withdraw consent at any time.  There are limited exceptions where consent cannot be withdrawn, for example, where your image has been published on printed material.  

Purposes For Which Your Personal Information is Used

The University holds the personal data and sensitive personal data / special category data of its students in order to implement and manage all services and processes relating to students, including student recruitment, admission, registration, teaching and learning, examination, graduation and other services such as accommodation, student support and careers.  Only information required for these purposes is obtained and processed, and without it the University may not be able to provide its services.  Information is passed between various sections of the University for operational reasons as is necessary and proportionate for intended purposes.  

The purposes for which ATU may process your personal information include: 

Additional processing may be required for students registered on specific programmes (e.g. teaching and social work) or with certain funding requirements or for students who choose to pursue studies abroad. 

Third Parties With Whom we Share Your Data

The University will share your personal data with third parties (outside ATU) in the following circumstances: 

This is not an exhaustive list and any other disclosures to third parties not listed here are made only where there is legitimate reason to do so and in accordance with the law. 

Parents, Guardians and Other Relatives

It is your responsibility as a student to communicate and engage with the University. ATU will not disclose your data to parents or relatives without your consent (even if you’re under 18 years), other than in exceptional circumstances, for example where there is potential danger to your health or well-being.  If you wish to provide consent for matters to be discussed with your parent, you must send an email to this effect to the relevant ATU staff member.  Exceptionally, where urgent communication with you has proved unfruitful, contact may be made with your next of kin/emergency contact using the details provided by you at registration. 

Provision of Statistical Data to the HEA

ATU provides statistical data on the incidents of sexual violence, harassment, assault and rape to the HEA as part of ATU’s reporting obligations under the national policy framework for ending sexual violence and harassment in HEIs. No personal data is shared as all data is aggregated and anonymised.  


All graduating students, including those graduating in absentia, will have their name, home town, award and classification listed in the graduation booklet.  The graduation ceremonies are streamed live on the internet and are recorded for publication on the internet and for archival purposes. Many ATU events are recorded and streamed/published on the ATU website. 

Transfers outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

In so far as is practicable, ATU endeavours to hold all personal data within the EEA.  In circumstances where data is transferred outside the EEA, we ensure that an appropriate mechanism exists for doing so that complies with all relevant legislation, for example: 

Data Protection

ATU retains your personal data for the purposes described in this notice. The University will not hold your data for any longer than is necessary, but some data will be held indefinitely in order, for example, to verify your award, provide transcripts, provide opportunities for further study, careers support, alumni and networking services. More information on our retention schedule is available on request by contacting


We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure with us and the data processors that act on our behalf. 

Your Rights

You have the following rights under data protection law, although your ability to exercise these rights may be subject to certain conditions: 

To exercise any of the above rights please contact us using the contact details set out below. 

Your Responsibilities

You must inform the University if your contact details change so that your data is accurate at all times. You must comply with ATU’s Data Protection Policy.

Website Privacy Policy

The ATU website Privacy Policy explains how data is gathered through use of the ATU website. 

How ATU Will Contact You

You may be contacted by telephone, email or post.  In addition, we may text you with information related to your studies e.g. exam information, room changes, rescheduled classes, appointment reminders, placement arrangements, etc. This contact is to enable us to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.

Questions and Complaints

If you are not satisfied with the University’s handling of your personal data or believe that the requirements of data protection legislation may not be fully complied with, you should contact the University’s Data Protection Office in the first instance.  You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Data Protection Commission.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the data, we hold about you or if you wish to exercise any of your rights. We work remotely and our contact details are:

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We will update this privacy statement from time to time. Please visit this page periodically for updates. Updated on 12 August 2024.