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Monitoring and Review

ATU implements a range of monitoring actions to review and evaluate the quality of its programme delivery and management.  Such reviews serve to generate continuous improvement of the programme. Any action planned or taken as a result is communicated to all those concerned.   Monitoring and review can be categorised as follows:

Regular MonitoringProgramme Boards with Student Representation
Student Module Feedback
Annual MonitoringAnnual Programme Board Report
External Examiner Feedback
Retention Report
Graduation Report
Annual Quality Report
Periodic ReviewsAcademic Unit Review
Programmatic Review
Function Review
External ReviewsInstitutional Review
Professional Body Review

Programme Boards

Programme Boards are responsible for the delivery and monitoring of programmes of study.  They consist of all lecturers on a programme, Department and School Managers and up to two students per stage of the programme.  The programme board is responsible for implementation and delivery of the curriculum, monitoring student performance and feedback and taking action as necessary, and where relevant ensuring adherence to Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies.  Programme Boards meet at least twice per year, with student feedback being a key agenda item.  Programme Boards produce an annual report with the Head of Department bringing a summary report to the Faculty Academic Planning Committee.

Student Evaluation

Module and stage evaluation processes are key aspects of the annual monitoring of programmes.  The primary purpose of module and stage evaluation is the enhancement of teaching quality and students’ learning experience.  Students are provided with feedback forms to provide the module lecturer with feedback on the quality of the teaching, supervision and assessment of their module and to provide information to support module and programme enhancement.

External Examiners

External examination is a quality assurance mechanism employed by the university and is designed to ensure independence and external governance in the assessment and grading of student performance.  External Examiners have a responsibility to assure standards in the modules and programmes to which they are appointed.  External Examiners are appointed to provide informative comment and recommendations on whether the university is maintaining the threshold academic standards set for its awards, the assessment process measures student achievement rigorously and fairly against the intended programme and module learning outcomes, and whether the academic standards and achievements of students are comparable with those in other higher education institutions. External Examiners scrutinise assessments prior to issuance and moderate student assessments, reporting annually on same.

Key Dates for External Examiners 

Event Semester 1 Semester 2 Autumn
Exam Papers on GURU for Review 7th – 25th November 2024 6th – 27th March 2025 7th November 2024 & 6th March 2025 respectively 
Exam Board  6th and 7th February 2025 9th – 12th June 2025 9th – 10th September 2024 (AY 2023-2024) 
Final Report Submission 30th June 2024 AY 2023-2024 30th June 2025 AY 2024-2025 

Key Document and Links for External Examiners 

Key Contacts  

College Administration Support Email address 
Donegal Aisling Sweeney  
Sligo Eileen Curley  
St. Angelas  Mary Kearns 
Galway TBC  

Annual Quality Report

Central to the review of our quality assurance and enhancement framework is the production of an Annual Quality Report (AQR), for QQI. This forms part of our engagement with QQI and it informs the biennial dialogue meeting with QQI. It also provides ATU an annual opportunity to review the internal quality assurance processes and capture internal advances and improvements in quality assurance.  The following AQRs have been submitted to QQI:



Periodic Reviews

Periodic monitoring including Academic Unit Review, Programmatic Review and Function Review are completed every 5-7 years.  A review of each School/Faculty (Academic Unit Review) is scheduled prior to a programmatic review of programmes for that School/Faculty.  The review of School/Faculty focuses on performance since the last review and involves an environmental review and a self-evaluation identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the School/Faculty and plans to deal with the opportunities and challenges facing it. The findings from the review of academic units feed into the programmatic review process. 

Programmatic Review involves a self-evaluation review and an external peer review process of programmes. A range of stakeholders are involved in reviewing the programme including students, graduates, employers, and industry/professional bodies. Programmatic Reviews ensure and assure inter alia that required academic standards are being attained; that programmes and awards remain relevant and viable; that student needs including academic and labour market needs are addressed; that the quality of programmes and awards is enhanced and improved and that there is public confidence in the quality of ATU’s programmes and awards.

Review of professional services/functional reviews focuses on the contribution of each of the services and how they can be refined to enhance the quality of provision to learners, staff, and all stakeholders.  The main elements of all reviews are a self-evaluation and an external peer review process.

Institutional Review

ATU is required to undergo an Institutional Review under the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) CINNTE Cyclical Quality Review process for Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) in Ireland.  This systematic review process ensures that ATU adheres to a system for continuous quality improvement as well as accountability for and compliance with relevant QQI policies and the European Standards for Quality Assurance.

The CINNTE review cycle evaluates the effectiveness of institution-wide quality assurance procedures for the purposes of establishing, ascertaining, maintaining, and enhancing the quality of the education, training, research, and related services that the HEI institution provides. The review is coordinated by QQI.

An Institutional Review involves a detailed and in-depth evaluation of the effectiveness of ATU AQAE policies and procedures; the fulfilment of ATU’s mission; the effectiveness of ongoing monitoring and review activities; University innovations and the impact of these within the AQAE Framework. In addition, an Institutional Review may act as a catalyst for improvements.

In preparation for the review ATU prepares an Institutional Profile and an Institutional Self-Evaluation Report which are provided to the Review Team appointed by QQI.  The review team visit ATU to receive and consider evidence about the ways in which ATU meets its objectives set out in the Terms of Reference, and subsequently publish a review report which ATU respond to with an implementation plan.

Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies

ATU seeks recognition where appropriate from Professional, Statutory, and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB).  These bodies review our programmes through methods ranging from desk reviews to panel site visits.  Recognition of programmes offers a range of benefits to students and are also a further method of ensuring that our programmes meet the needs of stakeholders.  Over 200 ATU programmes are recognised by approximately 40 PSRBs.