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ATU EDI Committees
Atlantic Technological University (ATU) is committed to being a diverse, equal and inclusive university and is making progress on embedding equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across everything we do.
There are a number of key pieces of legislation that inform the work of ATU’s EDI committees and the EDI team.
The Technological Universities Act 2018 requires the university to promote the attainment of gender balance and equality of opportunity among its students and staff.
The Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015 prohibit discrimination in employment, including recruitment, promotion, pay and other conditions of employment.
The Equal Status Acts 2000-2018 prohibit discrimination in access to and provision of services, accommodation and educational establishments.
The Disability Act 2005 places significant obligations on public bodies in terms of providing integrated access to services and information to people with disabilities, as well as promoting the employment of people with disabilities.
The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 has established a positive duty on public sector bodies to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and treatment and protect human rights. This means that all public bodies in Ireland have responsibility to promote equality, prevent discrimination and protect the human rights of their employees, customers, service users and everyone affected by their policies and plans. This is a legal obligation, called the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty.
The promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion is the responsibility of all members of the ATU community and will contribute to creating a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can contribute and bring their full identity to work and study.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Sub-committee of the Governing Body
The EDI Sub-committee of the Governing Body assists the Governing Body in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities in ensuring a good governance structure and to provide leadership and accountability for equality and diversity in all aspects of Atlantic Technological University’s activities.
EDI Sub-committee of the Governing Body Terms of Reference
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group
The EDI Steering Group provides leadership and accountability for equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the University’s activities and assists in good governance.
EDI Steering Group Terms of Reference
Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team
The Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team (SAT) promotes and advances gender equality across the university embedding the principles of Athena Swan Ireland and preparing for ATU’s first Bronze Award submission in 2025.
Athena Swan Self-Assessment Team (SAT) Terms of Reference
Race Equality Working Group
ATU’s university wide Race Equality Working Group is currently developing an institutional action plan to embed the antiracism principles in the policies, procedures, curriculum and culture of the university.
Race Equality Working Group Terms of Reference
For more information